14 fevereiro 2014


This is a true romantic comedy, Chuck Palahniuk style. The author of Fight Club brings you John: a man who feels blessed that, for someone who aimed so low, he got the golden trophy. Her name is Britney. It's Britney Spears, actually, and she's just as hot. She may have some sort of drug problem. She seems stoned...a lot of the time. She doesn't need to be perfect, though. It's how much he loves her that makes her perfect. Plus, she is the epitome of sexy, using playful language and leaving the end of her sentences hanging in the air all mysteriously. She's so out of his league. You couldn't pull him from the clouds; it's so perfect.

OBS: Infelizmente ainda não existe legenda para esse curta metragem, mas como foi baseado na obra do meu autor favorito "Chuck Palahniuk" eu postei em homenagem a vocês, espero que gostem!

Ficha Técnica

Título original : Romance
Direção : Andy Mingo
Roteiro : Chuck Palahniuk
Produtor : Andy Mingo
País de origem : Estados Unidos da América
Duração : 27 minutos

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